Never smile at a crocodile. This short story arc where the submarine crew wade through the sewers beneath the hamster castle is easily one of my favorites.
Aug 172011
Never smile at a crocodile. This short story arc where the submarine crew wade through the sewers beneath the hamster castle is easily one of my favorites.
And so the stand-off comes to an end.
Obviously this was the Halloween special strip for 2004. It features a guest appearance by Rob, the main character from the webcomic “Nothing Special”.
Dunno if demons can die either, but I bet that’d still hurt like crazy.
R’Qael is messing with the wrong Hamster.
More spiffy special effects.
Someday I hope to do a Time Travel story arc in which the history of “The Vision” can be more thoroughly explained.
Not exactly the “life-flashing-before-one’s-eyes” but close.
I think we need a bigger band-aid.
Timing is everything.