Feb 122011

Manifest Gaia

~ Shuffle the planets and Space cards together, and lay them out face down in a line of alternating rows of two and three like thus:

~ Each player chooses a spaceship.

~ With all ships starting at one end of the line, each player takes turns moving their ships one space at a time, using the cards to represent spaces.

~ When a player moves their ship on to a face down card, they must flip it over and follow the “Explore” directions.

~ When a players moves their ship on to a face up card, they must follow the “Travel” directions.

~ If the card they are Exploring or Traveling on is a “Planet” card, they have the option of Terraforming and Colonizing the Planet provided they have the Gas and Ore to spend on it.

~ Many cards will award players with points of Gas (White chips) or Ore (Black chips) which can be used to Terraform planets.

~ Once a Planet is colonized, place a chip matching that player’s Ship color on the planet. This claims the planet as theirs and no one else can colonize it now.

~ The game is over once all cards have been Explored, and all Planets have been colonized.

~ Each player scores the Colony Points listed on their Planets.

~ The player with the most Points Wins.

  3 Responses to “Rules for Manifest Gaia”

  1. testing comments

  2. Test post using the Facebook Connect Login for leaving Comments

  3. You should check out the game Ad Astra. Reading through the rules vaguely reminds me of this game. Ad Astra, itself, is vaguely similar to Settlers of Catan.

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