Drawing battle scenes is not particularly easy with a pseudo-sprite comic, but I think it came out as well as could be expected. And let’s hear it for the Magic Students laying the thaumaturgical smackdown!
Jul 162011
Drawing battle scenes is not particularly easy with a pseudo-sprite comic, but I think it came out as well as could be expected. And let’s hear it for the Magic Students laying the thaumaturgical smackdown!
Mmmmm, delicious fear.
The font for Christine’s language of creation is actually the 12480 font, which is a 2002 foray into creating a pretty binary font. Interested folks can read up on it at the omniglot font site. A download for it is currently located at 3d7software.org.
Magical Ticking Time Bomb
See, I actually was going somewhere with that King vs. Secretary story 🙂
If I get around to publishing the “Of Hamsters And Demons” in book form, I’m thinking of using “Red Sky In Morning, Hamster Take Warning” as a potential tag line.
And this is what Christine has to endure all the time.
Perhaps I should make Christine’s middle name Faust.
There are times when I really hate driving home after a date.
Slight Lovecraft reference in there.